Our Objective:

To help young adults overcome today's fundamental challenges, allowing them to focus on what's important, achieve their goals, and uphold their values.


We believe that success is a four-step process:

Interest - Knowledge - Confidence - Success.

Interest may feel obvious, but unfortunately this essential first step is often overlooked. Without interest in the topic, it will be difficult for your young adult to gain knowledge and they will have failed before they started. And, knowledge it great, but too much too fast can be an issue - an issue with confidence.  If they are overwhelmed and not confident in what they are doing, success feels unattainable.  Here is how we accomplish this:


We want them to learn about themselves first

We have found that the main reason people are not interested is because they have a mental block.  They want to overcome it, they just can't for a variety of reasons.  That's where we come in and that is the first step we take with them. We find that a good place to start is their values and goals and how learning more will help them achieve. Further, we understand and appreciate that everyone different and, in turn, has a variety of interests.  So, we leave them in control - after all, they know themselves best.  Do they want to know the basics or want to become an expert?  No problem, it's their choice (although, to be honest, most are so interested they want to know more and more!).


We make sure they can use their knowledge in the real world

In the end, they want to learn something valuable that they can use in the real world. Theoretical knowledge is the foundation of learning, but it is just the start. We provide them with a lot of real world examples and actions they can take starting today.  Also, we think it is important to share success stories and, equally important, mistakes with friends, family and others. We give them a few things to talk about to get started and a place to talk about them on social media - one of their favorite places. This will show them that everyone makes mistakes and that they know a lot more than they thought they did.  Their confidence is rising already...


We are audience specific

We focus on young adults. They're probably not interested in the same thing as a 5 or a 50 year old, no problem!  To ensure that we have audience and topical expertise, we surround ourselves with a network of professionals. Most projects include more than 50 people to ensure that every aspect works together. Notably we always have educators and students on our team. We spend a lot of time ensuring our content is specifically for a young adult - every young adult.


We keep it simple

Just because something is extremely important doesn't mean that it has to be extremely complex. We take on the challenges that they are facing and demystify them - metaphors are one of our secret recipes.  We believe that how you say something is as important as what you are saying. We have found that learning in the second person works well - just a pleasant conversation.  And we don't mind having a bit of fun along the way.

"What is today's challenge?", you may be asking yourself:


We would rather they be focusing on family, friends, church, community, and all other things most important to them, like pizza...


Personal Finance

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I Want More Pizza

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5% of all our net proceeds are donated to Junior Achievement (JA).  We are not affiliated with JA, but support their mission.